Culinary Arts Chef Instructors and more

The staff at campusNYC are what make the entire program so awesome!
The culinary arts chef staff – are all well-versed industry professionals with real-world professional culinary experience with summer camp and or educational/teaching backgrounds.
Residential staff are all highly trained in safety and security… and are truly out to create community inside each session, and to create it newly. That means that each session starts fresh, a blank slate, and it is the students themselves who create the community. So every session the vibe is new: we create an experience that is at once supportive, connective, and transformative.
All staff are of course fully background checked and references are always available upon request!
Most of our staff return year after year, and some of our students have gone on to become staff as well! Its about the culture we create. We work very very hard to create the framework for that culture at camp… and we let the students create the vibe newly each session. With decades of cumulative experience and over 75,000 kids through our programs collectively, we get that in the end it is about your student, and their experience, and thats what matters. We keep it safe, we make it fun, and we know learning will occur in that environment.
All SC programs feature an in-staff EMT or nurse that lives in the residence hall to provide 24-hour access.
Join us for our Q+A sessions on Zoom. Simply fill in your information on our contact us form and we will send you the zoom links ahead of the calls!

Former RA Emma (now Program Manager) taking a pic in 2021!